Sponsor A girl-child to school
Empowerment becomes difficult without basic education. We must educate the children, especially the vulnerable once in sub-Sahara Africa (girls) in order to prepare and make them receptive to skills and capacity acquisition, relevant to their self-sustainance and empowerment in future. “All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances, have the right to quality education” UNICEF. At API, we see “out of school menace” as not only a public health crisis, in terms of the consequences for girls, but undercuts the prerequisite for knowledge-based impactation in the society.
According to Human Right Watch, more than 49 million girls are out of schools in sub-Sahara Africa, with 31 million of them out of secondary education, undermining their rights and limiting their opportunities, in an already disadvantaged environment. The outputs are usually early marriages and teenage pregnancy. In sub-Saharan Africa, 40 percent of girls marry before age 18, and constitute half of the countries with the highest rates of child marriages globally. In recent review of adolescent pregnancy globally by UNFPA (2013), 14 sub-Sahara African countries, between 30 and 51 percent of girls give birth before they are 18. Cultural or religious beliefs often stigmatise unmarried, pregnant girls, with the result that many pregnant girls are forced into early marriages.
Unfortunately, the right approach has failed most African countries, as many governments insist on tackling this social and public health challenge by punishing girls, thereby jeopardising their future. Instead, the focus should be on preventing girls from unintended pregnancies by promoting their efforts to stay in school. The best approach to address these dehumanisations, is via education, especially for girl-child, and focused primarily among socio-economically disadvantage population.
Therefore, the goal of this project is to promote basic child education, especially of girl-children who are the most vulnerable. The objective is to promote a sponsor for each child in school, through payment of their tuition fees and school reading materials ONLY. The sponsors can eventually become mentors to the child (ren) they support, IF INTERESTED. Our sponsored kids are vetted and in most cases recommendation from our local partners in communities across the region. They are vulnerable kids, i.e. parents are very poor; lost a parent to HIV/AIDS or chronic disease; orphans; kids whose parents are suffering from drug abuse, mental health problems and general situation that could impact their stay in school.
Your tax-deductible donation can help put or sustain a child in school and give him/her a future. We have many kids waiting for sponsors. If you are touched to sponsor a child in school, kindly send an email to us. Here below are our current engagements:
Name: Amina Adamu
School: Kapuwa Primary School, Lugbe Federal Housing, Abuja
Country: Nigeria.
Grade/Class: Primary 2
Age: 12 years old
Tuition fee: comprising the three terms of the school-year = 20,000 Naira (50 EUR)
Other Needs (books and uniform): N10,000 (25 EUR)

Name: Israel Aleru
Tuition fee:
Other Needs (books and uniform):