Spende an COVID-19 Response

Collins G Adeyanju (API-Koordinator) spricht während des Kampagnenprojekts Wasser, Sanitär und Hygiene (WASH) im März 2020 vor der Gemeinde.
Collins G Adeyanju (API-Koordinator) demonstriert die richtige Handwäsche während des Community-Trainings und der Sensibilisierung; vor der Feier zum Weltwassertag 2020.

COVID-19-Spendenaktion für Lebensmittel in der Takalafia-Gemeinde, Nigeria.

Seit der ersten Meldung im Dezember 2019 hat sich das COVID-19-Coronavirus weltweit verbreitet.

In einem verzweifelten Bemühen, die Ausbreitung einzudämmen, führen zahlreiche Länder eine breite Palette von Maßnahmen ein. Eine davon sind Ausgangssperren. Dies hat die wirtschaftliche Lage vieler Länder und den Lebensunterhalt der Bürger, insbesondere in sozioökonomisch schwachen Milieus, beeinträchtigt.

Eine Region, die voraussichtlich schwer betroffen sein wird, ist Subsahara-Afrika, wo mehr als die Hälfte der Wirtschaftsleistung im informellen Sektor betrieben wird und viele Menschen auf ein tägliches Einkommen angewiesen sind.
Die Umsetzung der Ausgangssperre in der gesamten Region und ihre wirtschaftlichen Folgen stellen eine große Gefahr für die ohnehin wirtschaftlich fragile Bevölkerung dar.

Africa Partners Initiative e.V.
 (API) sammelt Spenden, um schutzbedürftige Familien in Nigeria zu unterstützen, insbesondere für unsere Projektpartner-Gemeinde „Takalafia“.

Die Takalafia-Gemeinde ist eine kleine ländliche Gemeinde im Hauptstadt-Gebiet von Nigeria, die aus 106 Haushalten besteht.

Kurz vor dem Ausbruch von COVID-19 war die Gemeinde Teil des “WASH”-Projekts (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene), getragen von der Africa Partners Initiative e.V. (API) in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Partnern in Nigeria.
Im Rahmen des “WASH”-Projekts wurde die Gemeinde in angemessener Hygiene geschult, um die Belastung durch vermeidbare Krankheiten durch gesteigertes Gesundheitsverhalten und den Aufbau grundlegender Sanitärsysteme zu verringern.

Während der Projekt- und Schulungsmaßnahmen in der Gemeinde war unser API-Koordinator Collins G. Adeyanju vor Ort, um das Projekt im Dorf Takalafia zu unterstützen.
„Takalafia ist eine sehr bedürftige Gemeinde ohne Schule, ohne ordnungsgemäße Sanitärversorgung, ohne Strom, ohne Gesundheitseinrichtung – nun aber haben die Bewohner ein Bohrlochwassersystem und sind zuversichtlich, was das Wissen um Gesundheitsverhalten für sie tun kann”.

API möchte diese Gemeinde in dieser schwierigen Zeit mit einer Spende von Lebensmitteln unterstützen, da alle wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten aufgrund der von der Regierung verhängten Ausgangssperre zur Bekämpfung der Verbreitung von COVID-19 im Land ruhen müssen.

Wir möchten 2.000 EUR für den Kauf von Lebensmitteln sammeln, die an Mitglieder der Takalafia-Gemeinschaft gespendet werden sollen.

Die Africa Partners Initiative e.V. unterstützt diesen Zweck mit 400 EUR aus eigenen Mitteln.

Zum 6. Mai 2020 haben wir 1.180 Euro gesammelt.

Jetzt spenden: Überweisen Sie Ihre Spenden auf das unten stehende Konto.

NAME: African Partners Initiative e.V. (API)
IBAN: DE02 8205 1000 0163 1265 50
Betreff: Von Covid-19 betroffene Hilfegemeinschaften

Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Unterstützung!

API COVID-19 Response Team
Email: info@africapartners.org
Website: https://africapartners.org/

Donate to COVID-19 Response

Collins G Adeyanju (API Coordinator) addressing the community during the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) campaign project in March 2020.
Collins G Adeyanju (API Coordinator) demonstrating proper hand wash during the community training and sensitisation; ahead of the World Water Day 2020 celebration.

COVID-19 Food Donation Fundraising for Takalafia community and others in Nigeria

Since first being reported in December 2019, the COVID-19 coronavirus has spread around the world.  In a frantic effort to curtail the spread, all countries are introducing a wide range of measures. One of such is a lockdown. This has hit the economic sustainability of countries and livelihoods of ordinary citizens, especially the vulnerable ones. 

One of the regions expected to be hit hard is the sub-Sahara Africa, where more than half the economy is informal and are daily income-driven
The implementation of lockdown in the entire region and its economic consequences portend tragic danger to the already economically fragile population.  Africa Partners Initiative e.V. (API) is fundraising to support vulnerable families in Nigeria, especially targeting one of our project partner communities “Takalafia”. 

Takalafia community is a small, rural and farming community in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria comprised of 106 households. 

Shortly before the outbreak of COVID-19, Takalafia village was beneficiary of a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) behavior change campaign supported by Africa Partners Initiative e.V. (API) in Nigeria in collaboration with local partners: Community-Based Initiative for Growth and Sustainability (C-BIGS). The WASH project saw the community trained on proper hygiene and sanitation targeted at reducing the burden of preventable diseases through changing social behavior and building basic and well-managed sanitation systems. During the community mobilization and training,  API coordinator Collins G. Adeyanju was on ground to provide support for the project at Takalafia village. 
“It is truly a humbling experience at Takalafia … a very indigent community, with no school, no proper sanitary system, no electricity, no health facility, but now residents have a borehole water system and positive perception of what such knowledge could do to their well-being”.  API wishes to support this community at this difficult time with a donation of food items since all economic activities are grounded due to the lockdown imposed by the government to manage the spread of COVID-19 in the country. 

We wish to fundraise 2,000 EUR for the purchase of the food items to be donated to members of the Takalafia community and others. 

API as an organisation has graciously contributed 400 EUR towards this targeted amount.  

As at May 6, 2020, we have fundraised 1,180 Euros.

Donate now: Transfer your donations to below account.

NAME: African Partners Initiative e.V. (API)
IBAN: DE02 8205 1000 0163 1265 50
Subject: Help Communities affected by Covid-19

API COVID-19 Response Team 

For more information:

Email: info@africapartners.org
Website: https://africapartners.org/

Sponsor a Child to School

Sponsor A girl-child to school

Empowerment becomes difficult without basic education. We must educate the children, especially the vulnerable once in sub-Sahara Africa (girls) in order to prepare and make them receptive to skills and capacity acquisition, relevant to their self-sustainance and empowerment in future. “All children, no matter where they live or what their circumstances, have the right to quality education” UNICEF. At API, we see “out of school menace” as not only a public health crisis, in terms of the consequences for girls, but undercuts the prerequisite for knowledge-based impactation in the society.

According to Human Right Watch, more than 49 million girls are out of schools in sub-Sahara Africa, with 31 million of them out of secondary education, undermining their rights and limiting their opportunities, in an already disadvantaged environment. The outputs are usually early marriages and teenage pregnancy. In sub-Saharan Africa, 40 percent of girls marry before age 18, and constitute half of the countries with the highest rates of child marriages globally. In recent review of adolescent pregnancy globally by UNFPA (2013), 14 sub-Sahara African countries, between 30 and 51 percent of girls give birth before they are 18. Cultural or religious beliefs often stigmatise unmarried, pregnant girls, with the result that many pregnant girls are forced into early marriages.

Unfortunately, the right approach has failed most African countries, as many governments insist on tackling this social and public health challenge by punishing girls, thereby jeopardising their future. Instead, the focus should be on preventing girls from unintended pregnancies by promoting their efforts to stay in school. The best approach to address these dehumanisations, is via education, especially for girl-child, and focused primarily among socio-economically disadvantage population.

Therefore, the goal of this project is to promote basic child education, especially of girl-children who are the most vulnerable. The objective is to promote a sponsor for each child in school, through payment of their tuition fees and school reading materials ONLY. The sponsors can eventually become mentors to the child (ren) they support, IF INTERESTED. Our sponsored kids are vetted and in most cases recommendation from our local partners in communities across the region. They are vulnerable kids, i.e. parents are very poor; lost a parent to HIV/AIDS or chronic disease; orphans; kids whose parents are suffering from drug abuse, mental health problems and general situation that could impact their stay in school.

Your tax-deductible donation can help put or sustain a child in school and give him/her a future. We have many kids waiting for sponsors. If you are touched to sponsor a child in school, kindly send an email to us. Here below are our current engagements:

Name: Amina Adamu
School: Kapuwa Primary School, Lugbe Federal Housing, Abuja
Country: Nigeria.
Grade/Class: Primary 2
Age: 12 years old
Tuition fee: comprising the three terms of the school-year = 20,000 Naira (50 EUR)
Other Needs (books and uniform): N10,000 (25 EUR)

Name: Israel Aleru
Tuition fee:
Other Needs (books and uniform):